Preparing and reviewing conversations by using the Glexa system の変更点 :: LET Chubu

LET2011 WikiPreparing and reviewing conversations by using the Glexa system の変更点

現: 2011-05-08 (日) 21:52:55 ozeki ソース
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 +**Preparing and reviewing conversations by using the Glexa system [#eeba12fb]
 +***発表者 [#ed5b8b92]
 +-河合 剛(北海道大学)
 +-大西 昭夫 (株式会社VERSION2)
 +***キーワード [#af3f448d]
 +speech production, online learning, simulated conversation
 +***概要 [#l0c8495c]
 +"We developed a conversation practice system that saves classroom time by requiring learners to prepare and review their phrases outside of class.
 +Our system is unusual in that it is the self-study component of a broader interactive spoken language learning experience, whereas other systems lack simulated conditional branching or realistic interaction.
 +The system asks the learner to speak questions or responses in simulated dialogues. In the initial practice phase, learners are allowed to take their time saying their answers. In the successive challenge phase, learners are required to respond to stimuli within a brief, realistic length of time. Instead of merely learning the phrases in written language, learners using our system come to class ready for conversation pair work because they have already listened to and said their phrases.
 +Instructors can design realistic dialogues with minimal effort. Only a small number of pre-recorded utterances are needed because phrases are randomly selected and combined to yield many conversation instances."
 +***日時・会場 [#l3a4608d]
 +***配布資料 [#p5be14b2]

  • Preparing and reviewing conversations by using the Glexa system のバックアップ差分(No. All)
    • 現: 2011-05-08 (日) 21:52:55 ozeki

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