
(10 テーマ)

1: 2011-11-10 (木) 11:35:40 ozeki ソース 現: 2015-03-14 (土) 10:20:41 ozeki ソース
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**Using a Database of Easy-to-read Stories [#p531a48e] **Using a Database of Easy-to-read Stories [#p531a48e]
--Douglas Jarrell 名古屋女子大学+-[[Douglas Jarrell]] 名古屋女子大学 
***発表概要 [#d5a8839f] ***発表概要 [#d5a8839f]
The presenter has created a database of over 1000 stories from a daily email magazine for English learners and teachers. The stories are approximately 80 words in length and are basically restricted to vocabulary and grammar known to Japanese high schools students. Organized by topic, date, and grammatical function, these stories can be selected according to the needs of the user. The passages are also dated according to their date of publication, allowing users to find out what was happening at a certain time in the past. A separate search window allows searches for both single words and multi-word chunks. This presentation will discuss a series of quests that were used to teach university students how to explore the various aspects of the database. The presenter has created a database of over 1000 stories from a daily email magazine for English learners and teachers. The stories are approximately 80 words in length and are basically restricted to vocabulary and grammar known to Japanese high schools students. Organized by topic, date, and grammatical function, these stories can be selected according to the needs of the user. The passages are also dated according to their date of publication, allowing users to find out what was happening at a certain time in the past. A separate search window allows searches for both single words and multi-word chunks. This presentation will discuss a series of quests that were used to teach university students how to explore the various aspects of the database.

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