
(10 テーマ)

1: 2015-02-10 (火) 23:57:50 kawaguchi ソース
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 +*Efficacy of Processing Level in Vocabulary Acquisition: The Relation between Context and Vocabulary Depth [#sf91ae03]
 +-[[肥田 依己子]] 名古屋大学大学院生
 +-HIDA, Emiko Graduate Student, Nagoya University
 +***会場・時間 [#g07c04c0]
 +***発表種別 [#daecc914]
 +***発表概要 [#e6a5bb1e]
 +This study explores the efficacy of processing level in vocabulary acquisition and examines the relation between use of context and vocabulary depth (i.e., producing translation and sentences of polysemous words). Although learning the same new words in different situations may seem to have the same process, a learner’s efficacy in each task is not identical because of processing level. Three vocabulary learning tasks that require different processing levels were provided in the present study. It is predicted that the retention scores of the target words will be highest in a task requiring deep processing. The result and effects on each task will be discussed in light of processing level and two different types of context (i.e., given context and generated context) in the presentation.
 +***配布資料 [#i8819129]

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