
(10 テーマ)

現: 2016-05-04 (水) 23:24:46 ozeki ソース
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 +*Preferred Platform for Reading and Grammar: Email, Mobile Website, or Mobile App [#hd8b5658]
 +-[[Douglas Jarrell]] (名古屋女子大学)
 +***会場・時間 [#lcbbaa1d]
 +***発表概要 [#b3d3d43f]
 +Shudong Wang and Jun Iwata of Shimane University together with the presenter at Nagoya Women's University conducted a joint project to develop student [[reading]] and [[grammar]] skills by sending relevant materials to students’ [[mobile phones]] by [[email]]. Meanwhile, the same materials were uploaded to a website designed for mobile devices, and to a mobile app developed for both [[iPhone]]/[[iPad]] and [[Android]]. When the students have the above three choices, which platform do they prefer? What are their reasons for their choice? This presentation will look at student preferences with data collected from the three tools as well as data from a questionnaire and follow-up interviews.
 +***配布資料 [#rbda7a44]

  • Preferred Platform for Reading and Grammar のバックアップ差分(No. All)
    • 現: 2016-05-04 (水) 23:24:46 ozeki

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