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自主学習支援講座の取り組み方とその効果 anchor.png

Supporting Independent Language Learners With Workshops

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  • 192C
  • 13:50-14:20
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As universities across Japan begin to develop and expand mature self-access study rooms filled materials and methods to help students develop autonomy in learning target languages, Chubu University’s Self-Instruction (SI) room has been encouraging autonomous learning for 24 years to over 10,000 students who frequent the SI room in order to engage in independent study to fulfill a variety of English language learning goals. Even with a well-appointed, well-staffed self-access study rooms, independent learners of English have remained in need of additional support to meet their language learning goals. Chubu University’s SI room has addressed this challenge by instituting a mentoring program, and more recently, a series of workshops focussed on independent study topics such as building listening skills through dictation and promoting productive reading. This presentation has a descriptive focus on the evolution of independent language learner support as it has integrated these workshops with already established mentoring systems over the past two years. The topics and formats of the workshops will be shown. The reported success of the workshops will be offered through post-workshop questionnaires and participation statistics. Implications for and benefits of initiating such workshops in other independent study environments will be briefly discussed.

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最終更新: 2013-10-28 (月) 16:06:46 (JST) (3924d) by ozeki
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