
(10 テーマ)



Validation of the grammatical carefulness scale using a discourse completion task and a reading and underlining task anchor.png

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会場・時間 anchor.png

  • 情23講義室
  • 11:20-11:45
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発表概要 anchor.png

This study attempted to confirm the validity of Foreign Language Grammatical Carefulness Scale (FLGCS) developed by Kusanagi et al (2014). Grammatical Carefulness by definition is a personal trait which reflects learners’ behavior and belief in language use. Although the factorial and convergent validity of the FLGCS was supported by the factor analysis, it is still necessary to investigate how FLGCS and learners’ performance are correlated. Therefore, the present study conducted two types of task; a discourse completion task (DCT) measuring pragmatic performance, and a reading and underlining task (RUT) gauging learners’ ability to detect lexical or syntactic anomalies. It is hypothesized that the scores of pragmatic and lexical-syntactic carefulness in the FLGCS are correlated to the learners’ performance in DCT and RUT respectively. The results and possible explanation for them will be discussed in the presentation.

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最終更新: 2015-10-19 (月) 11:40:56 (JST) (3204d) by kawaguchi
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