
(10 テーマ)



The relationship between L2 listening proficiency and L1​/L2 phonological short-term memory in Japanese EFL learners anchor.png


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  • 第2室:307講義室
  • 10:45-11:15
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発表概要 anchor.png

The involvement of phonological short-term memory (PSTM) in language acquisition has been documented. However, little is known about what types of PSTM are related to L2 listening development. This study investigates the relationship between L2 listening proficiency and PSTM in Japanese EFL learners. Based on TOEIC listening scores, the 27 participants were sorted into two groups: 14 advanced learners (M = 457.5) and 13 intermediate learners (M = 352.3). To measure individual PSTM through oral repetition tasks, four types of test items were created: L2 sentences, L2 scrambled words, L1 sentences, and L1 scrambled words. The correlation analysis and t-tests showed that (1) L2 PSTM is significantly correlated with L2 listening proficiency but L1 PSTM is not; (2) a clear difference is observed between the two L2 proficiency groups in L2 sentence condition, but not in L2 word condition. The findings imply L2 syntactic knowledge contributes to L2 listening development.

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